Annabelle's Nerdy D&D Blog — Painting Tutorial
How to make an interactive puzzle trap for your players
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

Hey hey! Today I'm going to show you how to make an awesome interactive trap / puzzle for your players! The idea of this puzzle is that it is fun and interactive, and adaptable enough for you to pop it into a dungeon or game you're already running. I love crossing the 4th wall and bringing parts of my games into real life - I think it makes everything feel more tangible and real for both my players and myself. To make this trap I use 16 1x1 tiles with the "plain" surface, and decorate them with decals. The tiles...
Painting Guide: How to make realistic mossy dungeon tiles
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

Hullo all! As you probably know, I really love having modular terrain that I can use and re-use. What I love even more is having modular terrain that doesn't look modular :P In todays guide I'm going to show you how to make your tiles look even more realistic by adding a mixture of flock and sand between the surface flagstones. I would rate this tutorial as "a bit harder". It's not too hard (most of it is sponge work after all!) but it is a bit more involved than say the lava painting guide. But totally worth the extra...
- Tags: Blog, Painting Tutorial
The floor is lava! Painting guide for some fiery modular dungeon tiles!
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

Hello all! Today I'm going to take you through painting your Modular Realms "cracked stone" dungeon tiles to have a lava-like feel. I like to use it as traps (whoops! You got dropped into a room where THE FLOOR IS LAVA!) or as whole areas when the party travels to hell or the halls of the Fire Giants. It's a surprisingly easy effect to paint and, like my "Old Stone" effect, can achieved without ever needing to pick up a paint brush. I'm big on painting cool effects with minimal skills required - makes it much easier for me! I would rate painting...
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- Tags: Blog, Painting Tutorial
Dungeon Tiles Painting Guide - Wooden Floorboards in three steps.
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

Get a really effective look for your Modular Realms wooden terrain tiles in three easy steps. First, prime your tiles brown, then put a dark wash over the top. Once they have dried, dry brush a lighter brown colour over the top to bring out the texture of the wood and give the effect of light hitting the surface. It really is as simple as that so let's get started! Materials Needed: Modular Realms Terrain (it's double-sided, magnetic and super cool!) Brown Primer (I used this one) Black Wash - I made mine from diluting black acrylic paint with...
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- Tags: Blog, Painting Tutorial
Painting Guide - Cobblestones
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

Today I thought I'd do a quick and easy painting guide for painting your cobblestone terrain, suitable for all levels!
It takes next to no skill and yet I still get impressed comments from people looking at my terrain tiles.
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- Tags: Painting Tutorial, Store News