Annabelle's Nerdy D&D Blog — Blog
5 Fun Tabletop Adventure ideas for when you need some inspiration
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

As a Dungeon Master, I love the thrill of diving into a fresh and exciting game scenario! On some days, however, I go to write a one-shot and sit there with blank-paper-syndrome for hours. Just in case you get hit with that problem as well, I’ve gone ahead and prepared five great scenarios to pique your imagination. These are great to use as inspiration for one-shots or something new to add to your campaign. While not all of these ideas will fit seamlessly into your existing campaign, they’ll definitely spark some ideas for game night! Fathoms Below: Underwater Adventure Why...
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Dungeon Tiles Painting Guide - Wooden Floorboards in three steps.
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

Get a really effective look for your Modular Realms wooden terrain tiles in three easy steps. First, prime your tiles brown, then put a dark wash over the top. Once they have dried, dry brush a lighter brown colour over the top to bring out the texture of the wood and give the effect of light hitting the surface. It really is as simple as that so let's get started! Materials Needed: Modular Realms Terrain (it's double-sided, magnetic and super cool!) Brown Primer (I used this one) Black Wash - I made mine from diluting black acrylic paint with...
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- Tags: Blog, Painting Tutorial
How does Challenge Rating work in Dungeons and Dragons?
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

The Challenge Rating (CR) system in Dungeons and Dragons is essentially like levels in a video game. A CR 2 encounter is meant to be “of medium difficulty” for a party of level 2 adventurers. Nine times out of ten the party will be able to walk away from an encounter of that challenge rating with no casualties beyond expended resources. A party can usually handle around six to eight encounters with the same challenge rating as themselves within a day. Assuming the party is able to take a couple of short rests of course! This system...
How to start as a Dungeon Master on a Budget
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

Although there are a lot of cool accessories out there, you can definitely learn how to become a great Dungeon Master without spending a penny. The only investment you really have to make is your time! Truth be told, you don’t need all the books or mini figurines or cool terrain to be a good DM (and I say that as someone who’s livelihood is based around making cool terrain!). What you really need is to understand your role, the rules, and the kind of story you want to tell - all of which you can do for free. Check...
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- Tags: Blog, Dungeon Master Tips
An Introduction to D&D for Beginners
Posted by Annabelle Collins on

Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a co-operative story-telling game. Players play as their characters, going on adventures in a world narrated by the Dungeon Master (DM). Each Player Character has their own unique set of skills and abilities, determined by their race and class. The party work together as a team to complete quests. The DM plays the game in a different way to the rest of the players. Their role is to guide the story and controls the non-player characters (NPCs). In many ways, playing in a weekly campaign is much watching an episode of your favourite show with...
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- Tags: Blog, DnD Explained